Pretty much perfect
These types of shorts are why newgrounds was created. Short, sweet, and funny.
One of the better flashes I've seen by someone who I don't know.
1 reviews is hidden due to your filters.
Pretty much perfect
These types of shorts are why newgrounds was created. Short, sweet, and funny.
One of the better flashes I've seen by someone who I don't know.
Kind of obvious
Totally saw that coming. *Porn* like this is now becoming as prevalent as rickrolling, except in flash animation. Funny, I guess.
Captured my attention span. Which is perfect for NG. Also, that semicolon bit was pretty good; considering in my last flash app I spent ~4 hours debugging to find that I was missing a semicolon. Heh.
Not bad
Considering this is the first animation you have made, not bad.
Missed some important parts of newgrounds, didn't properly explain the history of newgrounds, but better than nothing. Seriously, though, this can all be read in the forums and the faq.
More convenient than an FAQ, less work. Just sit and watch.
Fucking amazing
Pretty fucking good. I actually laughed out loud. Although you have said you won't make any more, considering the score given to this after, at this point, 2700 views, you should make another. Please.
See my about page on my blog at http://nostalgiaofth
California, USA
Joined on 6/1/08